Resultado da Pesquisa - project

Adobe Audition CC 2019 13.0.3

Adobe Audition CC 2019 13.0.3  3933 

Adobe® Audition® CC software offers high-performance, intuitive tools for audio editing, mixing, restoration, and effects. Powerful new features such as…

Quelea 2020.0

Quelea 2020.0 versão gratuita 3290 

Quelea is a handy and reliable application designed to incorporate the best features of existing solutions as well as new,…

ToneBoosters 1.4.1

ToneBoosters 1.4.1  3446 

ToneBoosters is a collection of audio plugins meant to improve the way your music projects sound like. Furthermore, each of…

Syrah V3

Syrah V3  4130 

When we started sketching our new plug-in project, our aim was to create a versatile and truly musical dynamics processor,…

Worship Him Power Edition

Worship Him Power Edition  3710 

Worship Him Power Edition is an application that you can use to make video presentations for the church using a…

Wusik Station 9.3.8

Wusik Station 9.3.8  5319 

Wusik Station is a VST workstation that features a complete range of features and can help advanced computer users such…

glMixer 1.7-1910

glMixer 1.7-1910 versão gratuita 3707 

What GLMixer does could be described as a mix between audio mixing and video editing. You load a set of…

Post Haste 2.2.2

Post Haste 2.2.2 versão gratuita 4243 

Add folder structures and project files to a template, then setup filename parameters such as project name, client and date…

OpenSong 2.2.7

OpenSong 2.2.7 versão gratuita 4637 

OpenSong is a handy application created to manage lyrics, chords, lead sheets, overheads, computer projection and more. Now you can…

Genobazz Pro 1.4

Genobazz Pro 1.4  3452 

Genobazz Prois a complex monophonic bass synthesizer, related to Genobazz. It is meant to be as intuitive and user-friendly as…

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