Resultado da Pesquisa - Author

DisCryptor Personal Edition 3.0.5

DisCryptor Personal Edition 3.0.5 versão gratuita 3486 

DisCryptor Personal is an excellent assistant of your digital privacy protection. It hides the content of your disks against unauthorized…

Advanced File Security Basic 3.1.7

Advanced File Security Basic 3.1.7 versão gratuita 3886 

Advanced File Security Basic (AFS) securely and reliably protects any type of data against unauthorized access. Therefore it's using the…


USB Lock RP  4875 

USB Lock RP will efficiently prevent information loss due to the unauthorized use of USB Storage Removable Drives, CD-RWs, and…

WiFi Security Guard 3.0

WiFi Security Guard 3.0 versão gratuita 3644 

WiFi Security Guard is the free command-line tool to monitor and shield your Wireless Network from hackers and unauthorised users.

Omega DB Scanner Standalone 2.1.0

Omega DB Scanner Standalone 2.1.0 versão gratuita 3737 

Omega DB Scanner Standalone is an out-of-box, software-only solution. This Standalone and Free Edition is a simple client-side solution that…


LoJack  6716 

If your device is stolen, you need the most effective and trusted recovery software on the job. In addition to…


AccessPatrol  3681 

Access Patrol provides a comprehensive solution for securing company devices to minimize unauthorized access to proprietary information. Also provides an…

CyberScrub Security With Media Wiper

CyberScrub Security With Media Wiper  3593 

CyberScrub Security removes all evidence of your online activity, erases data beyond recovery, secures your files with strong encryption and…

uHook USB Disk Security Personal 2.5.3

uHook USB Disk Security Personal 2.5.3  3927 

uHook USB Disk Security is an award winning solution with over 35000 installation base to control and monitor authorized and…

Lock PC Professional 3.8.1

Lock PC Professional 3.8.1  3465 

Lock PC Professional--the secure way to lock your computer. Lock PC Professional is an easy in use, powerful and compact…

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