Application Locking Folder is very safe making the folder hidden and cannot be accessed How the application works by applying…
Website Blocker Pro is the enterprise software to help you instantly Block any website on your computer from all web…
WinGuard locks your Desktop programs and Store apps using password protection. It does this by scanning for programs you add…
free tool to quickly Block WhatsApp on your Windows computer from all web browsers & WhatsApp application.
The Complete Set of Blocker Tools from SecurityXploded
Program Protector is unique, state of art security utility that allows you to password protect programs. You can easily password…
Small utility very convenient access to Web pages through the Web browser. The browser used by the application is the…
BrowseControl can completely block the Internet, allow access to authorized web sites, block offensive sites, schedule access to the Internet…
Now you have the opportunity to erase and clean your files from your hard drive, usb memory card, or any…