Resultado da Pesquisa - convolution

Convolve-J 13.04.06

Convolve-J 13.04.06 versão gratuita 2549 

Simple CLI audio convolution utility in java which accepts 44khz signed WAV files as input and impulse and outputs a…

Reverberate 64-bit 2.200

Reverberate 64-bit 2.200  2754 

Reverberate x64 is a highly efficient hybrid convolution reverb audio processor offering true zero-latency operation for two separate, stereo impulse…

Reverberate 2.200

Reverberate 2.200  2805 

Reverberate is a highly efficient hybrid convolution reverb audio processor offering true zero-latency operation for two separate, stereo impulse responses…

IR1A 3.6

IR1A 3.6  2819 

IR1A is a convolution reverb plug-in, with an advanced zero latency convolution engine, ideal for re-creating natural room ambiences, guitar…

Mellowhead 2.8

Mellowhead 2.8  2791 

Mellowhead is a versatile guitar and fx plug-in. There are 10 convolution based speaker cabinets and 10 different pre-amp/tone settings,…

General Convolution 3D 1.1

General Convolution 3D 1.1 versão gratuita 3680 

This filter is a general 5x5 convolution filter with an extra dimension - time. It applies one matrix to the…