Free SuperPutty Login Password Recovery Software
Real-time protection against online threats such as hacked or infected web pages. Makes your Internet experience safer. * Protects you before you visit a poisoned web page * Clear safety ratings for search results in Google, MSN and Yahoo * Compatible with most popular antivirus and security suite products * Analyzes pages, not sites, so you’re not blocked from a whole site if one page is poisoned
TekCERT is X.509 Certificate / Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Generator and Signing Tool Generator runs under Windows (Vista, Windows 7/8/10, 2008-2019 Server).
Extracts the X.509 Certificate from any signed EXE file (32-bit and 64-bit) and automatically decodes all kind of data fields from the extracted certificate: The Certificate text itself, the Metadata fields, the Issuer fields, the Subject fields. All decoded data can be selected with the mouse and then copied to the clipboard by clicking on the right-click context menu. The exe-file can be selected e.g. by drag&drop, or from the command-line etc.
Permanent Delete is a free utility that can be used to delete files/folders permanently so that no software can recover these files. You can choose from 3 deletion methods from fast and secure enough to slow and extremely secure.
This application simply pops up a message after a specific amount of minutes passed (by default 20 minutes), the message tells the user to "Take a break" - this message continues to appear until the break time ends. When the break time ends, the computer will play a sound and turn the screen back on to let the user know the break time is over and he can now use his computer again, until the next break.
Myspace Password Recovery Software
Desktop Patrol is a handy and simple application that allows you to restrict and block access to most of the computer's features including: access to software installation, Windows options, access to external media etc.
Free SRWare Iron Web Login Password Recovery Software
Easy File Encryptor is a file encryption software available as Windows explorer context menu extension that uses the very strong and industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to easily and securely encrypt files. Works for files and folders. Very fast and easy to use. Based on Windows Crypto API.
AdFender is the most comprehensive, easy-to-use ad-blocking software that provides you with the right tools to surf the web ad free.
O Iperius Backup é um dos melhores softwares de backup gratuitos, também lançado em edições comerciais para aqueles que precisam de recursos de backup avançados para suas empresas. A versão grátis do Iperius Backup permite fazer backup para qualquer dispositivo de armazenamento em massa, como o NAS, discos rígidos externos USB, discos de RDX, e computadores em rede. Tem funções de envio de e-mail a programação completa e. Ele suporta compactação zip sem limite de tamanho, backup incremental, autenticação de rede e execução de scripts externos e programas.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus protege contra sites de Phishing e Malware que você caso contrário não saberia que estavam tentando roubar de você. Ao mesmo tempo, o Kaspersky Security Network permite que seu computador ao relatório quando ele descobre uma ameaça que não tenha sido vista antes. Todos os 250 milhões de usuários Kaspersky se beneficiam do nosso conhecimento combinado! Kaspersky características incluem: protege de vírus, Trojans, worms, spyware, adware arquivos de scans, e-mail e internet tráfego protege Instant Messengers protege do desconhecido ameaças analisa e fecha as vulnerabilidades do Internet Explorer desativa links para sites malware / phishing sites Global de monitoramento de ameaças (Kaspersky Security Network) bloqueia todos os tipos de keyloggers Automatic Database atualizações grátis suporte nota técnica: Este é um teste de comercial de 30 dias.