Best Free Keylogger is a feature rich Windows Monitoring System intended for parental control and employee monitoring. It's main features are Keystroke Recording, Internet activity Monitoring, Application Monitoring, Clipboard Monitoring, Chats and password logging & Screen Capturing. It also provides following functions: Invisible mode, Auto uninstall (silent mode), Automatic log clear, Log file encryption & Advanced filter options.
TrustPort Total Protection protects the computer from viruses and spyware at all entry points. All electronic mail and websites are examined in order to detect dangerous or unwanted content. It enables the reliable protection of sensitive data by encryption or the permanent shredding of confidential files no longer in use.
Anjav Antivirus is a lightweight security solution that can help you detect and remove malware components from your computer while also providing you with additional functions. It comes with a user-friendly interface and neatly organized functions, but some significant elements are bugged and accessing them efficiently is not possible whatsoever.
If you need an antivirus program for your Server, VIRUSfighter is for you. VIRUSfighter is a user-friendly antivirus program for Microsoft Windows Server that is easy to install on your Server and gives you the best protection you can get. VIRUSfighter is your protection against your Server being destroyed by a virus. The program is easy to install, and then runs discreetly in the background, watching for threats.
This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.
This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.
Text Encryption Application. Features: * Multi-platform. * Java-8. * New find and replace functions. * New undo and redo functions. * New copy, cut, and paste functions. * Open-source. Requirements: * Java-8
Jetico Personal FirewallTM software protects computers against hackers and malicious software when networked or connected to the Internet. It offers detailed, configurable event logs, reports, plus the option to view and edit the firewall configuration. The modular architecture is as open as possible to assist with easier evaluation of the security.
Cross-Database Comparator Pro is a single comprehensive and integrated enterprise working environment to compare database data and structure across any database types. Usually ODBC drivers delivered together with DBMS by the vendor, however there are companies developing high-quality ODBC drivers standalone.
MultiPassWord is a freeware solution to help user to centralize and manage all password from unique encrypt file. MultiPassWord is available in two distribution mode. First one is a classic install and uninstall setup program. Second one does not require install. User could launch program directly from executable file. Graphical User Interface is available in two languages, but user could change labels and text or translate it.
eScan Anti-Virus solution designed for home users is a comprehensive Anti-Virus and Content Security Solution that provides proactive protection to your computers against Malware and other threats that creep around the internet such as Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Keyloggers, Rootkits, Botnets, Hackers, Spam, and range of Information Security threats.
O Iperius Backup é um dos melhores softwares de backup gratuitos, também lançado em edições comerciais para aqueles que precisam de recursos de backup avançados para suas empresas. A versão grátis do Iperius Backup permite fazer backup para qualquer dispositivo de armazenamento em massa, como o NAS, discos rígidos externos USB, discos de RDX, e computadores em rede. Tem funções de envio de e-mail a programação completa e. Ele suporta compactação zip sem limite de tamanho, backup incremental, autenticação de rede e execução de scripts externos e programas.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus protege contra sites de Phishing e Malware que você caso contrário não saberia que estavam tentando roubar de você. Ao mesmo tempo, o Kaspersky Security Network permite que seu computador ao relatório quando ele descobre uma ameaça que não tenha sido vista antes. Todos os 250 milhões de usuários Kaspersky se beneficiam do nosso conhecimento combinado! Kaspersky características incluem: protege de vírus, Trojans, worms, spyware, adware arquivos de scans, e-mail e internet tráfego protege Instant Messengers protege do desconhecido ameaças analisa e fecha as vulnerabilidades do Internet Explorer desativa links para sites malware / phishing sites Global de monitoramento de ameaças (Kaspersky Security Network) bloqueia todos os tipos de keyloggers Automatic Database atualizações grátis suporte nota técnica: Este é um teste de comercial de 30 dias.