The purpose of GATE_For_PM is to protect passwords from exposure, especially the master passwords of password managers. With GATE_For_PM, user's GATE passcodes are interception-resistant, which means even if someone is watching / keylogging / video recording the user log into the GATE system, user passcode will not be exposed.
A complete solution for file encryption and backup, Kryptel has been designed to be as easy-to-use as possible, and performs most operations with a single mouse click. Still, it is serious encryption software you can trust. You don't need to be a crypto expert to use military-grade encryption, you simply need to choose the right software!
iSunshare Outlook Email Password Genius is the easy-to-use Outlook email password recovery tool for free download, which enables users to recover all saved email account password from Microsoft Outlook, including Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Live email, and etc.
Audit and recovery of Cassandra passwords. Account information import from databases. Password recovery using dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, hybrid dictionary/brute force attacks. Generation of reports on recovered passwords.
VaySoft Image to EXE Converter is an application that help you convert image file to professional strongly protected self-running EXE files. Only permited user can view the images, it can protect the Image files, and it is impossible to get the original image files in the computer hard disk.
This fast and easy-to-use product allows you to write down your thoughts every day to a password-secured file that is saved with a special encryption engine so that definitely no-one but you can open and change it without the knowledge of your password and without your permission. Besides many useful functions it is a very nice feature that this program can be installed to USB sticks so that you can use the program on every computer in the world.
Readable Password Generator is a simple way to generate passwords that are more secure than dictionary words and at the same time readable. Readable or pronounceable password generator based similar to the one in OpenVMS and Multics. Uses trigraphs to create letter sequences.This password generator gives you a list of "pronounceable" passwords.
HomeGuard professional is an easy to use software with extensive monitoring and blocking features for tracking and controlling the use of computers in home and office networks. HomeGuard records web activity and automatically blocks all adult and inappropriate content in websites in addition to customizable website block and allow lists and filtering based on file type, keystroke logging, screenshots, program blocker, printer monitor and more.
ZoneAlarm Security Suite is the easy-to-use, comprehensive security solution that is based on the world's best firewall to keep out hackers, viruses, worms, and other threats. It combines the most popular firewall with antivirus protection, web site filtering, privacy protection, and instant-messaging security to provide the best overall protection of any PC-security suite.
CopySafe PDF provides the most secure copy protection for eBook and PDF documents and it is the only solution that can protect from all avenues of copy including Print Screen and screen capture. When applying DRM you can also prevent sharing with total control over print, password, and expiry protection down to the hour or day from first use. Ideal for secure distribution by email, download, on CD or displayed online from your web page.
SpotDialup enumerates, displays logins and recovers passwords for Dial-Up, Internet and VPN virtual private network access, provides users with information about network connection properties, such as connection names, domains, phone numbers or IP addresses.